The first order of business was the great pig hunt. It took two buses and an hour of walking to find one! Great experience though, catching local transport and playing sardines, with armpits in your face is definitely recommended!
A spit pole was also required and Gary took on that challenge. Besides the language barrier, it took quite some time to explain what he wanted. Then of course he had to run around finding the material (funny how the welder had none!) As usual patience and perseverance wins out, and he triumphantly arrive with the pole just as the Senegal abscondees arrived on Christmas Eve. Whilst we were regaled by their tales we decided to hold reunion party in town at a nightclub; the less said about that the better!
The day itself was a massive affair, the pig went on at around 9am, and after a minor scare (combination of scorching day and even more scorching coals) was ready around 7pm. Contributions from others, being another truck and crew and an orphan on a pushbike, and dinner was served up for around 30 people. Even some of the locals forgot that they were Muslim and joined in the pork fest! Secret Santa, and pudding was another highlight.
Boxing Day had us heading towards Djenne, home to the largest mud structure in West Africa. After a bush camp we arrived around noon and caught a ferry across the river and a cart to the town itself. After a few hours exploration of the town and fantastic views from rooftops of the mud Mosque, we moved on to Sevare.
The 28th saw the kids jumping on to a rickety looking boat for a three day journey up the Niger River to Tomboctou, whilst I spent the time giving the truck some TLC.
New years was spent at the campsite by myself and the crew of the other truck, the highlight being a local band that was so bad, they were asked to leave by all and sundry!